about Chemistry 4 Homeschool
Chemistry doesn't have to be scary! There's a better way to learn it.
After graduating from the
University of Michigan in 1998 with a degree in chemistry and in
education, I became a chemistry teacher. Shortly after beginning
my career I found that students were very disinterested in
textbook-based learning. Rather than engaging with the reading,
they would try to skip as much of the reading as possible and
attempt to answer the book questions. It was troubling to me
that many students could get an "A" on the assignments without
actually understanding what they were supposed to be learning.
In college many of my professors had talked about "guided inquiry" as a superior way to help students learn. As I networked with other teachers, some ideas sparked. For several years I used my evenings and summer breaks to create what I called "ChemQuests." By 2002, with a few years under my belt, I started Uncommon Science, Inc and began selling the curriculum I had made. And now, after thousands of sales to other teachers and literally zero complaints, I have adapted the curriculum for homeschooled students.
My wife and I have homeschooled our children for the last 20 years. Yes, I'm a public school teacher who homeschools his own kids! As we network with other homeschool parents we notice a trend: math and science are areas of concern. Many parents are unsure if they can effectively teach subjects such as chemistry. Admittedly, chemistry can be scary. The cartoon above is humorous, but true. Even some doctors cringe as they recall their days in chemistry classes!
My curriculum makes learning
chemistry as painless as possible. I've helped both special
needs and advanced students succeed in chemistry. Every year I
get letters from students thanking me because their college
chemistry class was easy for them while their peers struggled.
When you choose my curriculum, you get my years of experience
and expertise working for you. Including over 400 pages of
guided inquiry and practice worksheets, laboratory
investigations, and more than 60 hours of video, the Chemistry 4
Homeschool curriculum consists of the exact same instruction I
give my students in school. The only exception would be a few
laboratory investigations that are too dangerous to perform
outside of a well-equipped laboratory--these will be presented
via video instead of students completing the labs live.
I invite you to sample the curriculum or visit our
FAQ page. Also feel free to ask
any questions you may have. Email is probably the easiest way to
contact me: Jason@Chemistry4Homeschool.com
or you can also leave me a voicemail at 616-204-0421.